BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會


Suh-Hang Hank Juo


Session 7 – Taiwan BIO Awards-Successful Stories

Date:25 July 

Suh-Hang Hank Juo

Sunhawk Vision Biotech, Inc.

Professor Suh-Hang Juo is a physician-scientist and internationally renowned human geneticist. He received an MD degree at Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan and completed the residency training in neurology in Taiwan. Then he went to the United States to fulfill his dream of being a scientist. He earned a master degree at the Harvard University in 1994 and a PhD degree at Johns Hopkins University in 1997. After being a post-doctoral fellow at the NIH and Rockefeller University, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Columbia University Genome Center in 1999, and then became the Director of Genetic Epidemiology and Pharmacogenomics at the Center. We obtained the NIH RO1 grant with the score of 150 and the rank of upper 2.6% at his 3rd year faculty. During the time at the Columbia University, he was involved in several international genetic projects including autism, breast cancer, NOMASS etc. 

In 2005, Dr. Juo returned to Taiwan and engaged in translational research. He was the Director of the Graduate Institute of Genetic Medicine at Kaohsiung Medical University, and then recruited to China Medical University in Taiwan in 2016. Professor Juo's research is focused on genetic regulation of eye diseases and vascular biology. He first ever published microRNA dys-regulation as a risk factor for myopia, which led to develop the innovative eye drops called SHJ002. SHJ002 is the first RNA therapy developed in Taiwan. 

To further translate SHJ002 to clinical use, Dr. Juo found Sunhawk Vision Biotech, Inc. Then he started to play a complex role, a physician-scientist, a project manager and an entrepreneurial. He not only interacts with FDA for regulatory issues, he also designs the study protocol for clinical trials, conducts fundraising and learns how to run a company. Under his leadership, the Company received US FDA authorization to conduct phase-I first-in-human study, and phase-II myopia trial. Importantly, Professor Juo’s research team also found SHJ002 has a potential to treat dry eye disease (DED). Recently, a phase-2 trial for DED has shown significant results in several endpoints. 

Dr. Juo has published 200 SCI papers and owns more than 30 patents.


Speech title & Synopsis

Startup of the Year

Sunhawk Vision Biotech, Inc. (Sunhawk) is a startup company focusing on new drug development, and specializing in RNA therapeutics. The company’s innovative RNA therapy technology was originated from scientific research in myopia genetic studies conducted by Professor Juo and Dr. Liang. Their studies identified microRNA-328 as a novel major risk factor for myopia development. Their proposal of reducing microRNA-328 for myopia control in children received significant support from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan government. With the assistance of MOST, Drs. Juo and Liang found Sunhawk in 2019 to carry the project toward human clinical trials.
Sunhawk is focused on diseases with significant unmet medical needs in eye diseases. The company has made groundbreaking advancements including Taiwan's first RNA therapy approved by the US FDA for clinical trials, receiving early approval (only 28 days) of IND submission for phase-I first-in-human trial, no comments/questions for IND submission for phase-II trial for myopia control. SHJ002 is also the world’s first drug specifically designed to treat pediatric myopia. In addition, SHJ002 has been demonstrated to have other indications such as dry eye disease. 
Sunhawk has completed one Phase-I and one Phase-II trials for dry eye disease. The Phase I trial showed SHJ002 has good safe profile and was well tolerated in pediatrics. The Phase II trial for dry eye disease was completed in 2023, and the results showed outstanding therapeutic effect on both subjective and objective endpoints. Currently, there are 2 ongoing phase-II trials: myopia control and corneal abrasion. A Phase-III trial for dry eye disease will be started in 2025 and Sunhawk expects to submit New Drug Application in 2026 and receive an approval for marketing in 2027.
Sunhawk has started negotiation with several international pharmaceutical companies to license out SHJ002 eye drops. In addition, Sunhawk has been approved for public issuance of shares in Taiwan and the stock symbol is 7759. The Company plans to be in the emerging stock market in 4th quarter of 2024 and goes to IPO in 2025.
