BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會


Hsing-Pang Hsieh


Session 10 – Translational Medicine, A Journey from Novelty to Commercial Success

Date:25 July 
Time:17:05-17:30 (GMT+8)

Hsing-Pang Hsieh

DirectorNational Health Research Institutes/Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research


Dr. Hsing-Pang Hsieh’s lab specializes in drug discovery and the development of novel anticancer drugs, following the approach of “From Bench to Bedside.” Dr. Hsieh has published 146 scientific journals, including 30 papers in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, a leading publication in the field of medicinal chemistry. He holds over 70 composition patents granted worldwide. Notably, he invented three clinical candidates: (A) DBPR112, which received IND approval from the US FDA and TFDA and has been undergoing Phase Ib/II clinical trials in Taiwan since 2022; (B) DBPR114, approved for IND by the US FDA and TFDA in 2017 and will enter Phase I clinical trial in 2024; and (C) DBPR104 was completed Phase II clinical trials in Taiwan.

His achievements have earned him numerous accolades, including being named a National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow in 2023, and receiving the MOST Outstanding Research Award twice (2010, 2017), the Wang Ming-Ning Award (2016), the TECO Award (2013), and the TienTe Lee Outstanding Award (2008).

Speech title & Synopsis

Panel Discussion

