BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會


Chris Tsai


​Exosome Foundry Demo Day  

Date:25 July (Thursday)
Time:15:15-15:35 (GMT+8)

Chris Tsai

Chairman, BIONET Corp.


Current Status
Chairman, BIONET Corp.
CEO, Genetics Generation Advancement Corp. (GGA Corp.)
Chairman, BIONET Therapeutics Corp.

Career Background
2003~2005 Chairman, Asia Pacific Cord Blood Bank Consortium (APCBBC)
2012~2013 Regional Vice President, International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT)
2013~2015 Steering committee, ISCT
2014~ Director, Taiwan Bio Industry Organization 
2023~Convener, Exosomes Focus Group of Taiwan Bio Industry Organization
2023~ Steering Committee, Taiwan Alliance for Extracellular Vesicles (TAEV)
2023~ President, Precision Medicine Industry Association of Taiwan(PMIA)

Speech title & Synopsis

【Exosome Foundry.訊聯外泌體全球研發代工】新產業 大未來

