BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會


Tang K. Tang


Organizing Committee

Tang K. Tang 

Vice President
Academia Sinica



Dr. Tang K. Tang received his doctoral degree in human genetics from Yale University, and then entered the Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University as a postdoctoral researcher. In 1989, he was recruited back to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica as an Associate Research Fellow, and later promoted to the positions of Research Fellow and Distinguished Research Fellow. His research interest is to explore the biogenesis and function of centrosomes/centrioles and cilia in cells, and their association with brain development and neurodevelopmental disorder (human microcephaly). His laboratory is the world’s first lab to isolate the centrosome/centriole gene (CPAP), determine the functional domains of CPAP protein, and decipher the initial role of Myosin-Va in ciliogenesis.

Dr. Tang was elected as an academician of Academia Sinica in 2022, and has earned numerous awards, including The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society Member, National Science Council Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Education Academic Award, Wang Ming-Ning Outstanding Research Award, and Academia Sinica Investigator Award. Dr. Tang has served as the convener of the Taiwan International Graduate Program (Molecular Medicine), the deputy director of Institute of Biomedical Sciences, the deputy executive secretary and executive secretary of the Central Academic Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica, and the director of the Consultant Office of the Ministry of Education.