BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會




Regional Collaboration Forum –  Malaysia, Your Bio-economy Partner

Time:14:40–15:10 (GMT+8)





Haliza Ramli joined Biotropics Malaysia Berhad in 2007 as one of the pioneer team tasked to set up and operationalize the Company. Haliza's experience includes corporate planning, human capital management, corporate services, production and supply chain management where she held various positions from human capital specialist to senior management. The industries she has been involved in include IT, semiconductor, agriculture as well as health and wellness. Haliza holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacology & Physiology (Combined) from Leeds University, United Kingdom and underwent MBA programs with special electives in Human Capital Management in University Putra Graduate School, Malaysia.

Speech title & Synopsis

Gems from the Rainforest: Modern Approach to Healthy Ageing through Patented and Clinically Validated Herbs

The presentation offers a thorough overview of Biotropics Malaysia Berhad, detailing their establishment, core competencies, strategic focus areas and product offerings, in congruence with the company’s objective to implement modern approach in promoting healthy ageing through patented and clinically validated herbs. It begins with an introduction to the company's supply chain management, highlighting their commitment to responsibility sourcing and sustainability. It also showcases Biotropics’ dedication to science, leveraging cutting-edge research and technology to verify and create high-quality products. Biotropics’ manufacturing capabilities are also outlined, emphasizing their state-of-the-art facilities and stringent quality control processes that ensure excellence in every product delivered. The presentation also explores Biotropics’ marketing and branding strategies, illustrating how they effectively position their products in the market, enhance market awareness about herbs and build strong brand recognition. A significant part of the presentation is dedicated to Biotropics’ branded ingredients including Physta®, BioKesum®, SLP+®, AVCO® and Nu-Femme®. These proprietary herbal and botanical ingredients are introduced with an emphasis on efficacy and safety based on rigorous scientific research and clinical substantiation. Designed to meet specific needs and deliver proven benefits, these products distinguish the company in the industry.
