BIO Asia–Taiwan 2025 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2025 亞洲生技大會


Anis Uzzaman

Session 2 (Plenary) – Global Biotech Development

Date:24 July (Wednesday)
Time10:20 – 10:40 (GMT+8)

Anis Uzzaman

Founder & CEO
​Pegasus Tech Ventures, Inc.


Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D. is the Founder and CEO of Pegasus Tech Ventures. With US$2 billion under Pegasus Tech Ventures’ management, Anis is responsible for overall global investments and operations of the firm. Anis also serves as the Chairman of Startup World Cup, a global platform that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship around the world. Anis has invested in over 260 startups globally. Some of Anis’s prominent startup investments are SpaceX, Airbnb, DoorDash, Coinbase, Robinhood, SoFi, Calm, Color, Gojek, Bukalapak, Money Forward, etc. Anis holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo, Japan, a Master of Science in Engineering from Oklahoma State University in the USA, and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is a Forbes Finance Council member and contributor at Forbes. Anis is also a contributing editor at Inc. Magazine, and an Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor at the Entrepreneur Magazine. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of several books published globally.

Speech title & Synopsis

Global Biotech Top Trends --- From a US Silicon Valley VC Prospective

The Global Biotech Innovation is making fast progress. US Silicon Valley has always been a lead to the new discovery and new startup generation. During this keynote, the speaker plans to explain the top biotech trends from a US Silicon Valley VC trend. During this keynote, the speaker will present real examples of top Biotech startups that are thriving in the global market. The speaker also plans to show the biotech market movement as a whole and the future prospect of the industry altogether. The audience will get a good idea of the industry from a global prospective.
