BIO Asia–Taiwan 2025 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2025 亞洲生技大會


Han-Chung Wu

Session 6 – mRNA and New Therapeutic Modalities

Date:25 July (Thursday)
Time09:00 – 09:05, 10:25 – 10:30 (GMT+8)

Han-Chung Wu

Academia Sinica
(Biomedical Translation Research Center)



Dr. Han-Chung Wu is currently a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He is also a Professor at the College of Medicine of the National Taiwan University. His research primarily focuses on two fields, cancer research and infectious diseases, and includes components of both basic research and applied science. Dr. Wu's research interest focuses on the identification of novel tumor antigens, development of targeting drug delivery systems for cancer therapy and molecular imaging. He has developed phage display technologies for the generation of fully human monoclonal antibodies and the identification of peptides for a variety of target molecules. As of today, Dr. Wu has published over 138 original articles in world-renowned journals, and 145 Patents (including 98 granted patents and 47 filed patents; 51 Patent families). He has successfully licensed out 24 technologies from 24 patent families to biotech companies. Eight of the licensed technologies serve as the basis for products that are currently in clinical trials or already on the market. Eight of the licensed technologies are currently in preclinical studies for the development of therapeutics.

Aside from conducting research, Dr. Wu has also been responsible for coordinating academic activities and overseeing administration at the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology as the Vice Director and Acting Director. He has also served as Director of the Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Academia Sinica to promote the protection of intellectual property and the technology transfer, and use the industrialization of intellectual property rights to enhance social welfare. Currently, Dr. Wu served as the Director of Biomedical Translation Research Center (BioTReC), National Research Biotechnology Park (NBRP), Academia Sinica, with the mission of promoting the biotechnology industry development in Taiwan.


Speech title & Synopsis

Opening Remarks,
Closing Remarks

