BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2023 亞洲生技大會


【Important Notice】BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024 Tropical Storm Contingency Plan

According to the latest updates from the Central Weather Administration of Taiwan, tropical storm GAEMI is moving towards Taiwan and the weather impact on Taiwan is expected to be relatively significant.
Please refer to the following information from the organizer: 
1. July 24-28, Main Conference (Innovation Forum, Investment Summit, Regional Collaboration Forum), and Company Presentations will generally proceed as scheduled regardless of whether the Taipei City Government declares office and school closures.
The hosting of Satellite Symposia will be decided by their respective organizers. For the latest updates, please visit the website:

2. The Convention Banquet will proceed as scheduled on July 24, Wednesday at GRAND HILAI TAIPEI, 3F, Platinum Grand Ballroom B (Address: 3F, No. 168, Jingmao 1st Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan). We sincerely welcome your participation if your schedule permits (for package A only).

3. BIO One-on-One Partnering: If the government announces school and office closures on Thursday July 25, the in-person meetings will either by switching to vitual meetings or the system will re-schedule the in-person meetings to Friday or Saturday, if possible. Please make sure to check your system account/inbox/spam folder daily.
4. Exhibition Hall will be closed if the Taipei City Government announces the closure of offices and schools on July 25 (Thursday), the exhibition will be extended to July 29.
For any latest updates please check the event website:
Bio Asia-Taiwan Exhibition:
Asia Healthcare & Medical Cosmetology Expo:

5. Opening Ceremony of the Conference & Exhibition (by Invitation Only): If the Taipei City Government announces the closure of offices and schools on July 25 (Thursday), the opening ceremony will be postponed to take place on July 26 (Friday), at the same time and the same location.

Rest assured, we will keep a close attention on the weather updates, and will be making announcements accordingly through emails and on our website.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.